Getting Closer

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on February 23, 2010 by juliannah

I missed a call from Cpl Honda on Friday, but he left a message and said he would call Saturday at 8:00 am. When I checked my voicemail and heard the static I knew right off I had missed the call. All is good since I did talk to him on Saturday. He still can not give me homecoming dates. I am still not quite sure where he is because of course he can not tell me and Twitter and FaceBook seem to be way behind real time.

So, I am just hoping for smooth sailing from here. Want. My. Son. Home.

On another note, today is a tough day. 8 months, Tuesday. Still missing our Lolly Pop Kid.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Kicked the Gremlins in the A**

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on February 20, 2010 by juliannah

We took the car to the dealer and they replaced the battery, which BTW went bad all on it’s own. Not driving it had nothing to do with it. The car is still under warranty so there was no charge! All is good here in deployed son land. So far. I am up early waiting for a call from said deployed son.

I missed a call yesterday. I saw it was from an unknown number and just knew it was him. Plus, I had a feeling he would call about his car. That has been a major stress for him. But, it is all good.

I am hoping for homecoming dates. Should be soon. I will update when I find out. Of course, I can not say for sure on here, but I will verbally tell all who need to know what is happening. Stay tuned. I am attached to my phone. Waiting.

Thank God, he does not have a Toyota!

Operation Homefront: Military Child Award

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 18, 2010 by juliannah

Sorry I have been away so long. Due to an illness I was out of commision for a few days and did not even open my laptop until yesterday. I won’t elborate but if you want to read more about it go here.

I have been asked to spread the word about an award to be given to one special military child. Operation Homefront, an organization that provides financial assitance to our wounded warriors, will give out the Military Child Award.

Nominations close February 25 for the 2010 Military Child Award. The award recognize the service and sacrifices of the nation’s youngest heroes. Anyone can nominate a deserving child for the award, but the nominee must be enrolled in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) and be between the ages of 8 and 18. The winner will receive $5,000 and will be flown with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C., for the award ceremony.

Go directly to the eballot or to Operation Homefront to nominate children of both active duty and Guard/Reserve families. In addition to the financial award and travel expenses, meals and accommodations for two will also be provided.

“The sons and daughters of America’s service members learn what patriotism is at a very young age,” said Jim Knotts, chief operating officer, Operation Homefront.  “Children in military families understand sacrifice and live with the concept of service.  This is what the Military Child Award honors.”

I am sure just about everyone knows a child with a parent or parents that are serving our country. If you do, and that child is eligible, please nominate that child. I am also going to ask a special favor of my readers. I would greatly appreciate if one of my readers would Stumbleupon this post. You can use the ShareThis button in the sidebar. That would help get the word out so that many children have the opportunity to win this award. Thanks for your help and if you stumble this post please leave me a comment so that I may thank you personally.

Giveaway Update

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on February 11, 2010 by juliannah

My giveaway on juliannah by design is live and will run until February 18. If you want a chance to win a $50 Safeway gift card, also good at Dominick’s, Tom Thumb, Randalls, Vons, Genuardi’s then visit and enter. There is multiple ways to enter so check it out!

Military Monday – We Have Contact Again!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 8, 2010 by juliannah

Well, after a month of no contact I finally received a email from Cpl Honda. Yes, it is Cpl Honda. He was promoted on Feb 1! He said he feels like he can get on with his career now. Career is an important word because depending on the day you ask he would say he might want out or he might stay in. I’m sure other military families reading this will agree with that statement.

He also said they are making their way back to this side of the world and that makes this mommie very happy! There is nothing better than homecoming! I have only been to one and that was for my nephew, Sgt. Red. You literally can feel the happiness and excitement in the air.

So I guess I can start thinking about what I need to get done. Here’s hoping the deployment gremlins will leave me alone. So far, so good. Knock on wood. I think threatening to unleash the cat on them may have worked.

So, yes I will start the thinking!

Sunday Brunch – SuperBowl

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on February 7, 2010 by juliannah

Super Bowl. It is one of the most celebrated events in America. It is probably the most watched event on television all year. I could be wrong, but I am sure it beats out the Pope’s Christmas Eve service.

I worked in the retail grocery business for 12 years and even though Thanksgiving and Christmas were busy holidays for us, Super Bowl by far, was the busiest day. I worked in the Deli and I would go in at 2:00 am to prepare the sub sandwiches, party trays and fried chicken for the customers hosting their Super Bowl parties. The week before I could tell which customers would be hosting the parties just by looking at what they had in their shopping carts. Hot Wings, Chips & Beer. Yes, the Saturday before was crazy. Corvette wanted me to go to the grocery store yesterday. Yea. No!

So he went. Yes, he did return without too many battle wounds, but I warned him. It was as I suspected. Chaos!!! He also ran into several neighbors and friends. Because I believe everyone goes to the grocery store before Super Bowl. Sorta like Black Friday, but with food.

So, I really do not have a preference on who should win today. I am mainly in it for the commercials. I am told that Doritos, CareerBuilder and Budweiser are the commercials to watch for.  We will see.

It is pouring rain here in the Desert Southwest. I do not mind. After all, I will not be leaving my warm house, except for shoving Lucie, my big red dog, out the door, to take care of business.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! If you have to go to the grocery store, may the force be with you!

juliannah’s Super Bowl Burritos

  1. 1lb rump roast, in crock pot or oven until done
  2. Season with onion powder, sea salt, pepper and seasoned meat tenderizer
  3. 1/2 cup ranch beans, 1/4 cup Jarlsberg cheese, 1/4 cup Dubliner cheese & leftover Portwine cheese ball
  4. 1/4 cup salsa mix all together in food processer.

Prepare Mexicali Rose refried beans (can be found at Albertsons)

Put meat, cheese and beans in tortilla and enjoy! This recipe was made on the fly. So feel free to change ingredients. This is mainly how I cook. I had to use leftover items. So there you go. BTW Corvette loved it!

Waiting for the Light Again

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 5, 2010 by juliannah

I wrote a post a while back about waiting for my cell phone light to flash. When it flashes I know I have email. That is my primary communication with my son, Cpl Honda. The last email was January 5. Yea, one month today. Sigh.

I am calling him Cpl Honda because he was supposed to be promoted on Feb 1, but I do not know for sure. I could not find any pictures of promotion ceremonies anywhere, so I will have to wait. Again.

I did read where the cast and director of Avatar visited the ship. Very exciting for them I am sure!. I have not seen it yet, but I saw a preview and it looks quite spectacular! I like to see Hollywood supporting our military. I know there are quite a few that do such as Gary Sinise, Kid Rock and Dennis Miller to name a few.

Reminder. Don’t forget to check juliannahbydesign for my upcoming giveaway.

Any who, I guess I will just sit here and stare down my cell phone while singing, This little light of mine…


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 4, 2010 by juliannah

I will be hosting my first giveaway on juliannah by design. I am excited about this and look forward to hosting more giveaways in the future!

*Update* I had to remove the details due to certain rules here on

Pizzas 4 Patriots

Posted in Uncategorized on February 2, 2010 by juliannah

While watching the news this morning, I heard a story about an organization that sends pizzas to our military serving in Iraq. Retired MSGT Mark Evans started this charity when awhile ago his son asked him if it was possible to send pizzas to the troops. Thinking it was a great idea, MSGT Evans went on to contact DHL, Pizzaeria Uno and Miller Coors together they made it happen, flying pizzas to the troops the Fourth of July, 2009.

One February 7 the troops will once again receive a shipment of pizzas along with footballs to toss around in anticipation of the Super Bowl. Read more about Pizzas 4 Patriots and see how you can help provide our heroes with some of the best pizza in the US.

Watch the video of MSGT Evans on Fox and Friends.

Another great organization doing all they can to support our troops!

Sunday Brunch – Wedding Mishaps

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on January 31, 2010 by juliannah

I posted about Cinderella’s wedding on juliannah by design. What I did not talk about was everything that seemed to work against us getting to and from the wedding. Let me start at the beginning.

We left last Friday the 22nd. We had to travel two hours to the wedding destination and I needed air in my tires so I stopped at Discount Tire to fill the tires. The technician started filling the tires and when he got to the last one he said, “Ma’am, will you please step out of the car?”

So I do and he proceeds to show me cracks in my front tire. Then he tells me all the tires are the same and if I keep driving on them we could be in a very dangerous situation. Great. So a few hundred dollars later, we were finally on the road.

Next, we just had to leave in a winter storm that also brought blizzard conditions to the Desert Southwest. Luckily the blizzard was further north, but we did experience rain, sleet and high winds. I do not much like driving on the highway, so needless to say it was a bit of stress for me.

We arrived at our hotel, which I must say was very nice. It was a Hilton, so there you go! We went to the rehersal and then we attempted to go the rehersal dinner. I misunderstood Cinderella’s directions and of course we got lost. After going back and forth and some choice words, we finally arrived. Corvette actually had the nerve to tell me we were rude for arriving late. What does getting lost have to do with being rude! As it turned out, several other people arrived after us and they were not late because of getting lost. Hah!

One the way back to the hotel we somehow missed the street for the hotel and wound up getting lost again! I finally stopped at a store and and got directions back to the hotel. Yea, you guessed it. More choice words.

The next day we arrived at the church with no problem and caravaned to the reception. All went well and we had a great time. When it was time to leave I was told to follow one of the bridesmaids back to Cinderella’s house where I would be spending the following week with Butterfly while Cinderella and Tango honeymooned in Hawaii. Ok great except when we went to leave the bridesmaid was gone. Ok. So I went back the way we came and Corvette who was driving Cinderella’s car back pulled up along side of me and yelled that the gas light just came on. Great. Again. Of course we were kinda of in the middle of nowhere and it took awhile to find a gas station. We did. We finally made it back.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful except for a secret between Butterfly and me that we agreed we will laugh about in twenty years. I am sure you can figure out what it has to do with. Ok, so fast forward to this Saturday, the day we are due to go home. I woke up about 8:oo and was playing with my Blackberry before everyone else woke up. The phone rings and it is our alarm company calling to say the alarm was tripped at our house and what do we want to do about it. What? I am a hundred miles away! So I tell them to call the police and then we run around like mad people trying to get our stuff together. We throw everything in the car including my Chihuahua, against his loud protests and start back. Corvette calls the alarm company and they know nothing at that point. We call my good friend Lady Godiva and she agrees to go to the house and check things out. We finally get a call back from the alarm company and they tell us the police said everything seems ok. Lady Godiva calls us back and after going to our neighbor’s house and jumping our side fence (we do not have a gate, dumb, I know) tells us everything is ok and no one broke in. Phew. We are happy to find out we still have all of our worldly possessions.

Now you would think this would be the end of it. You. Would. Think. Apparently a truck became disabled on the highway and we became stuck going about 10mph or at a dead stop for about an hour. So what would normally take 1 1/2 to 2 hours took us just about 4 hours! Can you say, What the @%$#!

You are probably wondering if I still have my sanity. Yes, but I am done with weddings, vacation, driving and false alarms.

Somebody pass me a margarita. Please!

And order me a pizza!