Archive for Lucie

Sunday Brunch – SuperBowl

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on February 7, 2010 by juliannah

Super Bowl. It is one of the most celebrated events in America. It is probably the most watched event on television all year. I could be wrong, but I am sure it beats out the Pope’s Christmas Eve service.

I worked in the retail grocery business for 12 years and even though Thanksgiving and Christmas were busy holidays for us, Super Bowl by far, was the busiest day. I worked in the Deli and I would go in at 2:00 am to prepare the sub sandwiches, party trays and fried chicken for the customers hosting their Super Bowl parties. The week before I could tell which customers would be hosting the parties just by looking at what they had in their shopping carts. Hot Wings, Chips & Beer. Yes, the Saturday before was crazy. Corvette wanted me to go to the grocery store yesterday. Yea. No!

So he went. Yes, he did return without too many battle wounds, but I warned him. It was as I suspected. Chaos!!! He also ran into several neighbors and friends. Because I believe everyone goes to the grocery store before Super Bowl. Sorta like Black Friday, but with food.

So, I really do not have a preference on who should win today. I am mainly in it for the commercials. I am told that Doritos, CareerBuilder and Budweiser are the commercials to watch for.  We will see.

It is pouring rain here in the Desert Southwest. I do not mind. After all, I will not be leaving my warm house, except for shoving Lucie, my big red dog, out the door, to take care of business.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! If you have to go to the grocery store, may the force be with you!

juliannah’s Super Bowl Burritos

  1. 1lb rump roast, in crock pot or oven until done
  2. Season with onion powder, sea salt, pepper and seasoned meat tenderizer
  3. 1/2 cup ranch beans, 1/4 cup Jarlsberg cheese, 1/4 cup Dubliner cheese & leftover Portwine cheese ball
  4. 1/4 cup salsa mix all together in food processer.

Prepare Mexicali Rose refried beans (can be found at Albertsons)

Put meat, cheese and beans in tortilla and enjoy! This recipe was made on the fly. So feel free to change ingredients. This is mainly how I cook. I had to use leftover items. So there you go. BTW Corvette loved it!

Oh Luuucie!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 25, 2009 by juliannah

Last night I made steak for dinner. I sure most of you have noticed that steak is not cheap. I figured I would splurge a little and Corvette loves steak.

I made potatoes and a salad to go along with it. It was all done and sitting on the counter. I went outside for just a minute. Corvette was in the bedroom.

That is when it happened. I walked back inside to find Lucie, my big red dog licking her dog bed. There was a brown stain were she was licking. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach at that point. I walked to the kitchen and looked at the counter and nooooooo! Actually yes, Lucie had helped herself to the steak.

As much as I did not want to do it I had to break it to Corvette. He took it pretty well. No blood was shed. Mostly he had a few choice words for the dog.

Note to self: Make sure food is not reachable by big red dog. Stop at store and get another steak.

Where is The Dog Whisperer when you need him?


Sunday Brunch

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on October 4, 2009 by juliannah

Well here we are another edition of Sunday Brunch. My week was pretty routine. I did get and email from LCpl Honda on Monday. He said the internet was down and he was not able to make contact before that time. Basically he just wanted to know if I took care of some business concerning his car. Yes, that’s my son, no “I miss you mom.” or “I am homesick mom.” All kidding aside, he is older and I do not expect to have a lot of contact with him. Thank goodness for FaceBook and Twitter. I feel very fortunate to have access to information about this deployment.

I started a shutterfly account in order to keep friends and family updated. So now I am keeping up with two blogs, this one and juliannah by design, writing for Parent’s Zone and LCpl Honda’s deployment site. I am very pleased to announce that juliannah by design is actually making me some money. Yea for me! It is really nice to turn something you love to do into something you get paid for.

After suffering major dog hair infestation, we took Buddy, our long-coat chihuahua to the groomers. Buddy was leaving huge tufts of hair everywhere. So he is now sporting a buzz cut. Of course, going to the groomer is always a traumatic event but when I get to work and102_2617 discover dog hair glued to my clothes something has to give. Here’s Buddy pre-groom visit and pre-moulting

Picture 007Ta Da!. Can we all say, “yo quiero taco bell!”

 He really is not as defeated as he looks. My big, red dog Lucie did not recognize him when he came home. Since Lucie has only been with us for a few months, she has never seen Buddy with a buzz cut. What did I do while Buddy was getting buzzed? Vacuumed the house from top to bottom of course!

Our garden is experiencing a resurgent in growth. July and August took a toll on the garden. It was just a bit too hot and I believe the plants went into a sort of hibernation against the heat. Corvette went out yesterday and harvested our lone cucumber and his belovedPicture 003peppers. He also planted some more lettuce and spinach. We planted these earlier but alas, the heat was too much and they did not make it. Hopefully we will have better luck this time around. Corvette and I decided to plant early in the spring, lay off in the scorching hot months of July and August and resume late September and early October.

So this brings me to today’s Sunday Brunch recipe:

Steak and Honey Mustard Chicken, Macaroni Salad and Corn

T-bone steak seasoned with sea salt, pepper, onion powder and meat tenderizer. Baked in the oven at 350 degrees. Then broiled for about five minutes on each side.

Boneless chicken seasoned with sea salt and onion powder and baked in the oven at 350 degrees until almost done and then cover with Honey Mustard Sauce

1/4 cup of honey

1/4 cup Morehouse Dijon Mustard (the best mustard in the world in my most humble opinion)

Macaroni Salad

1/2 a package of Salad Macaroni cooked

1/8 cup of red bell pepper, green chile, carrots, white onion & pickle relish chopped

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1 Tbsp sugar

Mix everything together and add a little salt, pepper, & paprika chill and serve.

Picture 020

Picture 026Oh, one last news item. Lolly’s tree has flower buds! The tree is doing very well and I am sure we will be enjoying oranges this spring!


Happy Sunday!

Finding the Perfect Pair of Running Shoes

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on August 31, 2009 by juliannah

I walk my big red dog, Lucie nearly every morning. Walking is great exercise for me and it helps Lucie’s daily attitude. She tends to border on the hyperactive side. Walking or running requires a good pair of shoes for the best foot support. is a good place to find sneakers, running or trail running shoes. There are shoes for men and women in varying styles. provides some very useful information such as how to choose the correct shoe and lists tips for the care of your shoes.

ShopWiki searches out every store on the internet so the customer has a chance to compare products and prices. We recently purchased a new flat panel TV. We originally were going to mount it to the wall but since getting it home, we decided to go ahead get a nice stand. I typed in TV stands and 22 stores popped up. This is much easier than searching through each store on an individual basis.

Whether you are in the market for new athletic shoes or like me looking for a new TV stand take a look on

Bacon, Bacon, Bacon

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 30, 2009 by juliannah

Yes, we did it. We adopted a dog. Are we crazy? Maybe, but I want a companion to accompany me on my morning walks and since our new house is one of only nine in our development we just want some extra security. Nothing against Buddy my chihuahua, but biting ankles is just not going to cut it.

So may I introduce Lucie (yes Crafty, we now have dogs with the same name!)

Lucie was rescued on May 8th and has been with a lovely woman who takes in animals that are due to walk the last mile. God bless these people.

So Lucie is so far very sweet natured and loving. She took right to us and I do believe this is going to be a great and long relationship. We are not quite sure of her age, paperwork says 1 yr 7 months. Lady said 7 months. So who knows. She is housebroken but needs to learn how to walk on a leash, sit, lay down and the usual dog stuff.

And she totally looks like the dog in Beggin Strips commercial.

Corvette said when he comes home he is going to say, “Lucie, I’m home!”

Maybe we should change Buddy’s name to Ricky. Tehe (;

Oh, the cat is in hiding.

